Short Animation
A young boy is struggling to come back to his mistress. But at the end of this way, he is incapacitated and tired, then looking at his past created for itself. In the end, the girl returns.

Director and Writer: Emad Karimifard
Cast: Mohammad Mahdi Nezam Eslami and Helaleh Manouchehri
Music Composer: Seyed Alireza Hosseini
Violin: Mehran Dabestani
Recording Mixer: Omid Asghari and Hamidreza Adaab (Pop Studio)
Assisstant Director: Sepehr Shokri and Mohammad Mahdi Nezam Eslami
Graphic Designer: Seyed Ali Karimifard
Photographer: Nazanin Momeni
Animator: Emad Karimifard

In the production of this animation, five different techniques have been used.
These are as follows: Digital 2D Animation, Claymation, Pixilation, Digital Cut-Out and 3D Animation
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